Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Boyfriends and Girlfriends

You know me - I like to hang out with the boys! Here is a picture of me with my long time boyfriend Trotter. So handsome don't you think?
Ambrose has his girlfriend Scout. They have known each other since they were little puppies. She is quite the tomboy and that is Ambrose's type. No frou-frou girls for him. He likes girls who run and play hard. Scout is really, really fast.
Here is a photo of me with my boyfriend Amos at Day School. He has been coming every Tuesday and Thursday for almost 2 years. We are doing down stays in this picture but mostly we like to run and play bitty face games. Unfortunately Amos is moving! His person got a new job and Amos is of course going with her. I will miss him so much.
Think of me tomorrow when I am having extreme dog grooming torture. I have a couple of demos coming up and Barbara says that I have to look my best.


  1. You both have very handsome friends!
    You are going to be even more beautiful if that's possible, Niamh!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. We of course always think you look your best, Niamh! I hope it wasn't too bad. I have been at the vet's all day. She ut me open this morning.... Shifff......


  3. Hello Niamh and Ambrose!! Welcome back to the bloggie world!! Yay~~~! Paws up for Barbara! :) :)

    Thanks so much for your barkday wishes. You made our day. The photos of good looking couples are very special.

    Look forward to reading your blog again.

    Your friends,
    Momo & Pinot
