Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ribbons and a Prize

Usually Barbara grooms me herself(not well I might add) but she had me tortured by a professional this time. Carrie at Max's Dog Wash made me look quite spiffy.
Yesterday afternoon we drove to the Winston-Salem Dog Training Club as we were entered in Rally Novice B. I really haven't had much chance to do Rally since last December so I was very excited. Lots of nice people and dogs. I was the only Gordon Setter at the trial and many people admired me. I guess all that dog grooming torture was worth it. We did very well in our run and I took 4th place in my class. Barbara was very pleased and I got an entire sausage when we came out of the ring!
The white ribbon is for 4th place, the green one is for qualifying. I now have another leg toward my title and the little star stuffie is my prize.
I will not let Ambrose have the stuffie because he will destroy it!


  1. Congratulations, Niamh! We have never seen you look anything but beautiful!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Well Done, Niamh! Not that we would expect any less of you! And you do look gorgeous after that grooming.

    You know what? I have never, ever been to a groomer! Should I consider myself lucky? #1 does spend time regularly on my ears, though...


  3. Congratulations, Niamh!!! You did so well. We're proud of you.

    Have a great weekend!

    Momo & Pinot xo
