Of course you all know that I have Barbara as my special person. She brought me home when I was a young puppy to live with her and Selkie. But before I came here I had my first family in Virginia. My Mom's name is Misty and I was her first born puppy. She took great care of me when I was little, cleaning and feeding me and keeping me and my brothers and sisters warm. As we got older she taught us polite canine behavior.
I haven't seen her since I was a year old . Barbara and I took a long car ride on Sunday to see my Aunt Karen, my breeder. I got to play with my sister Torie and my brother Travis in a big fenced yard. Then I got to see my Mom. I was so happy that I just wiggled all over the place and licked Misty's lips just like I did when I was a puppy. Misty was very tolerant of my giddy behavior and eventually we played together. I was glad to have the opportunity to hang out with her. I stayed over her house and played with all her toys (she has a big basket of stuffed toys) but I didn't destroy any of them. She was very sweet with me.
Misty's full name is Ch Tri-Sett Living Legend CD JH CGC. It means that she has a conformation championship (you can see how beautiful she is in the pictures I've posted) has a Companion Dog title in obedience and the Junior Hunter title means she is good at finding birds which is what Gordons were bred to do. The CGC means that my Mom is Canine Good Citizen as well. I understand that she has two legs towards her Rally Novice title so she will have more letters after her name soon.

Some day I hope to have letters after my name but if I behave half as well as my mother I think that Barbara will be very happy.