Tellington Touch is a technique used on animals to help us relax and connect us with our bodies. It is like a massage but very gentle. Barbara thought it would benefit me since I don't like being groomed or having my nails clipped. I can tolerate it but it isn't much fun. Gordon Setters have a lot of hair so we need to be brushed often.
Royal's person, Jenn, has done TTouch on me and it felt really nice. She organized a TTouch training workshop at the APS and it was taught by THE Linda Tellington-Jones who developed the method. Barbara brought me to the workshop so that one of the student practitioners could TTouch me and help me.
Joan really likes dogs a lot. She was very gentle with me, doing very soft touches over my skin. I got a little worried when she started working on my hind legs. I really don't like having my back feet touched. But Joan respected me and got me used to the touches very gradually. The TTouch felt wonderful and I got quiet relaxed. Joan showed Barbara how to do the touches so she could do them on me at home.
Then Joan did something that I thought was really weird. She wrapped me up in an Ace bandage. It is supposed to help reduce anxiety and help me connect. I was not sure about it at all and kind of froze up. Joan gently coaxed me to walk around and then the wrap felt fine but I still think it looks extremely

Later I got to meet Linda Tellington-Jones. She did lovely touches on my face and tail to help relax me. I would have let her do the touches to me all afternoon. Here is a picture of me with Linda and then one of Linda, me and Joan.

I hope that Barbara remembers how to do all the different TTouches so I can have a session everyday. Who knows, I may even get to like being groomed.