It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed playing with most of the dogs at the park.

Don't worry, I am not stealing treats from someone's bag. A nice person brought this bag filled with ice so we could cool off.

This is Lacey, one of Barbara's students.

Amiga got tired of running around so she is chewing on a nice stick.

Now we get to the pet peeves. There needs to be some people etiquette in the dog park. I am always shocked with the people who come to the park and talk on their cell phones or read and pay no attention to their dogs! What is wrong with them?

Then their are the people who just let their dogs poop and don't pick up after them. It makes the park nasty for everyone.

But the thing that gets me really annoyed is the people who let their dogs crowd the gate. It makes it very hard for other dogs to get in and is a good place to start a fight.

And look at this poor little thing left to fend for herself against the big dogs. It will teach her that big dogs are mean and that she has to fight them, which will of course get her in trouble. Her people should be ashamed!

I love to go to the dog park but some people don't have much sense and can ruin it for everyone. Rant over.
I promised in my last post that I would be doing taste tests on all the treats that Barbara brought home from the APDT Conference. That has been put on hold for a few days because I was a very bad girl last night. I stole a whole bag of my chewable joint supplement and ate 24 of them! Quite delicious but it has caused my tummy to be rather upset (and Barbara was upset with me and worried too). I'm feeling better now but am still eating rice and chicken broth until things are back to normal. Then the testing will begin and I will report on the most delicious kinds of treats.