Thursday, September 13, 2012
Mango Product Alert!!
My Relentlessly Huge friend, the Mango, has posted about his dismay when he finds out about products made with his mangoness. So you can imagine my shock when I found out that Barbara has one of these dreaded mango products and she uses it regularly.
Burt's Bees Mango and Orange Body Butter! How did they make this? Did they melt the Mango? Did bees sting him?
I cannot conceive how Barbara, who loves dogs, would use this product and rub it on her hands and arms.
I took a sniff of it myself and I was quite taken aback. I did not expect the Mango to smell sweet, and dare I say, girly??
I just don't know what to think.
Ambrose had no such scruples. He actually licked the Mango off Barbara's hand. Did he think that it was the same kind of butter that you put on bread? He is so disgusting.
I hope Mango is ok and has not suffered any ill affects from being made into hand cream.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
A Wasted Bath
You all know how much I hate baths and all forms of dog grooming torture. On Friday, Barbara bathed me and used many evil implements on me. Even with lots of treats it is an awful experience. Barbara said that I had to get beautiful because on Saturday we were going to perform at the Dog Olympics at the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine. We performed there last year and got lots of applause. I was very excited because we have been practicing a new routine to demo there.
Well the bath was wasted!!! This morning we were all ready to go and the dog-crate-on-wheels had a flat tire! Major bummer. By the time it was repaired, it was too late. So now I am all groomed up with no where to go.
In other news, last month Barbara went to NY and NJ to visit family. Ambrose and I were happy to go to K9 Kindercare because we would not want to fly in a plane. She got to hang out with our cousin Coby who is a very nice Cockapoo.
He likes to play with toys and sometimes he rips them. Our Grandma always performs surgery on his toys when she visits. At least he leaves them in pieces big enough to sew back together. Ambrose's idea of playing with toys is to shred them in tiny pieces.
The big news is that Coby has a new sister so we have a new cousin. She is a Cockapoo too and is called Nellie. She looks very sweet and we are glad to welcome her to the family. Coby loves her.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The No Choke Challenge
A couple of weeks ago I was the demo dog for a K9 Kindness event. Today Ambrose and I acted acted as guinea pigs at a K9 Kindness training session.
K9 Kindness supports reward based training and encourages the use of training equipment such as front clip harnesses. They will have a booth at the Dog Olympics at the NC State Vet School on September 8 and will be doing the "No Choke Challenge". If a person turns in their dog's choke chain, prong collar or shock collar, the K9 Kindness trainers will give them a FREE front clip harness from Walk Your Dog with Love, a treat bag, treats, a bandana and a training session to teach their dog to walk nicely on leash!!! Good deal.
Anyway the trainers wanted to practice fitting these harnesses (it is important that front clip harnesses fit correctly to work effectively) so Jenn Merritt offered a special class at our training center.
She brought stuffed dogs for the trainers to practice on. You can bet that Ambrose barked at the big stuffed lab. I did not. You can see that the way the harness fits on this little stuffed dog.
Then it was our turn. I sat very nicely while people fitted me and gave me treats.
It is a bit hard to see the harness since it is black and so am I. They left the card on it but the harness is quite comfortable and I walked very nicely in it.
Ambrose was very wiggly when the tried to fit him but then I expected that. But he walked in it very nicely and was quite pleased with himself.
He was so excited that he did a few bows, which is his favorite trick.
We were very happy to participate in this training as we know it will help lots of dogs. Plus all the trainers made a fuss over us and gave us lots of pets and treats.
There are lots of dogs who could benefit from a front clip harness and we hope to spread the word about them and the joys of reward based training.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Mega Cooties!
Usually when we are at Day School Barbara sets up a big exercise pen for Ambrose and me to hang out in when she works with the other dogs. It is very spacious and there is room for our mats and our toys and to not bump into one another.
Sometimes when the other pups are playing bitey face I take some of the toys and take them into a crate. Here I have taken a stuffed raccoon along with both Beatrice's and Greta's Kongs into Greta's crate to guard them.
But today the unthinkable happened. Barbara made me share a crate with Ambrose!!!
I can't tell you how horrified I was. Ambrose is full of cooties and there was no escaping them when I was stuffed into a crate with him. Ugh! I will never get them off. And just look at him hogging all the space. I barely have room to sit there. Do I look happy?
I hope she never does this again.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I Am Sick of It!!!
Sick of what you may ask? Ambrose here and I am completely sick that Niamh just hogs the blog and I get no face time. It is always "Niamh does this and Niamh does that. She is so good. She is so smart." Ugh!
What about me??
I am sweet and I am smart and very handsome too. I am sick of being neglected so I am taking over the blog today. This will be a Niamh-free post. It is going to be all about what I did today.
A new dog, named Mutley, has come to live at the training center. Barbara is fostering him for a friend. He is pretty big and looks very serious.
I was a bit worried about him and barked at him when he was on the floor.
What am looking at so intently?
There is a big shelf where Barbara keeps all the treats and toys for the Day School and her classes. I know where she hides all the good stuff and sometimes if she is not paying attention, I can snag something. Unfortunately today she caught me in the act.
We do lots of training and playing in Day School. Barbara didn't get any shots of me doing my exercises (she says it is hard to train and take pictures at the same time) but I do lots tricks like spins, bows and targeting. I like to play rough and Amos is one of my best buddies. Here we are playing tug with Riley's hedgehog which I "borrowed".
I am a happy guy and I am going to insist that I get more blog time so you can enjoy my smiling face.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
K9 Kindness
This afternoon Barbara and I met one of our Drill Team friends, Gloria, at the Cole Park Veterinary Hospital's Open House. We staffed a table for K9 Kindness which is an organization of instructors in the Triangle area of NC promoting reward based dog training.
Barbara and Gloria had lots of free literature to give away about puppy socialization and the importance of puppy classes, training methods, dog body language and other important topics and to encourage people to use humane training equipment. I got to model my front clip harness. When I got tired I got to stretch out on my mat.
I am always good at the vet's and I demoed how to sit nicely on the scale while being weighed.
Ambrose and I have always been trained with reward-based methods and we wouldn't want it any other way. I got to show off my tricks and of course got petted by lots of nice folks.
I want to give a shout out to my boyfriend Trotter. He was entered in a Rally Novice trial today and got 1st Place with a score of 98 our of 100! I am so proud of him. He has been trained with reward methods too.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Canine Good Citizen
Finally I am a Canine Good Citizen! Yes, I can now put the letters CGC after my name. Now I know you think I should have had those letters long ago and I have to agree with you. Many of my friends have those letter and I was a bit embarrassed that I didn't. But since Barbara is always evaluating CGC tests, she can't test me. So tonight she had a friend who is a CGC evaluator come to Paw In Hand to give a test to her students. She decided that we would take the test. Of course I passed everything!
I thought it was easy peasy. The AKC says you have to do 10 skills to pass and get the letters after your name and a certificate. Here is what I had to do:
1. Sit politely to meet a friendly stranger.
2. Sit for petting.
3. Appearance and grooming.
4. Loose leash walk.
5. Walk through a crowd
6. Sit, down, stay.
7. Come
8. Reaction to another dog.
9 Reaction to distractions.
10.Supervised separation.
I am so pleased that I passed and can say I am a Canine Good Citizen.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to you all. Ambrose here. I wanted to give a shout out to my Dad, Loghan. His fancy name is now Grand Champion Seasac's Rumor Has It RN JH! He was already a Champion but last weekend he got the points to add Grand to that. He is a handsome guy and you can tell where I got my good looks!
I am taking back the blog now Ambrose. We have been very busy, working hard at Day School. Twice a week dogs come to Paw in Hand and Barbara trains them and then I get to help them learn appropriate play skills and manners. I have many boyfriends who come to see me.
This is Riley, a Goldendoodle. I am letting him play with my squeaky sheep.
Tyson is a Labradoodle and a very sweet boy.
Ambrose and Amos playing a vigorous game of tug. Amos tried to hump me last week. I was appalled and I chased him all the way across the room. He will not try that again!
This pretty girl is Greta, a 15 week old German Shepherd Dog. Barbara thinks she is quite smart and is training her and I am teaching her respect.
We were playing very nicely and then Greta decided to put her paws on my shoulders! That is just not done and I let her know it. She got the message and has been very respectful ever since. Ambrose is not allowed to play with her. Barbara is afraid he will sit on her. I am afraid he will lift his leg on her. He did that once on a little girl Australian Shepherd puppy and I have never recovered from the mortification!
Tug is a favorite game at Day School. Barbara always supervises it carefully so no one gets out of control. Amos and Ryder are enjoying themselves.
We like Day School and everyone goes home tired.
In other news it is Barbara's birthday today. She is 399 in dog years. Very decrepit but we will keep her.

Sunday, May 27, 2012
I am Seven!
I am 7 today! So why do I have a picture of cows on my blog on my birthday? I do like cows because they smell so nice. These are extra special cows as they are the ice cream making cows of Maple View Farms.
Barbara brought me to Maple View Farms to celebrate. We left Ambrose at home - HAHA! I got a cup of ice cream. People were surprised to see a dog on the porch eating ice cream but I didn't care. All I could think of was the ice cream.
See how nicely I ate the ice cream off the spoon.
Then she let me lick the last little bit out of the cup. Yummy!
When I was finished I saw a woman eating ice cream out of a big waffle cone. I think that next year I will hold out for a waffle cone.
On the way home we stopped at Teddy's house. He is one of my Drill Team buddies. His person has goats, chickens and a miniature horse. The horse, named Daisy, was being abused so Teddy's person adopted her and treats her really well and has gotten her nice and healthy. She is wearing this harness to get used to it so that she can learn to pull a little cart.
Daisy is good with dogs so I got to get pretty close to her. She smelled wonderful.
Then I got to go in the yard with the goats. I love goats. Maggie is the white goat in the front and she is very protective of the other goats. I was pretty excited and she did not want to let me get too close to them. It was ok though because I could still smell them.
What a great birthday! Cows, ice cream, a horse and goats!! I am one happy setter.
Now I will go home and annoy Ambrose and keep him away from my toilet paper roll. What fun!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Freestyle Fun and Friends
I am having a great time at the Canine Federation Freestyle Retreat! Besides getting to spend time with Barbara (without Ambrose and his cooties)and staying in a motel I am learning lots of new things and meeting new freestyle friends.
I learned how to switch from left to right heel by going behind Barbara and coming up into heel. I know how to do it in front of her but had not done it this way before
I've also learned some distance work and done lots of practice on walking backwards.
There are over 50 dogs here and many are from North Carolina. This morning we got all the NC dogs and people together for a group photo. You can't see me very well in the back row because Barbara is wearing black pants and I sort of blend in! But this is a great group and I am enjoying training with them.
Doing all these classes is a lot of work though and between exercises I rest on my mat next to Barbara's chair and watch the other dogs work. I have been very well behaved and I don't mind when another dog walks by right in front of me.
One of the great things about Canine Freestyle is that any dog can do it. It doesn't matter if you are big or little, it is just a matter of learning moves and then having a willing human partner who will choreograph your routines. While we dogs have been learning the technical moves the people are learning to be creative. I am not sure if Barbara can learn this but I try to help her by doing new things all the time.
I have made many new friends at the retreat. There are lots of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels here.
I've sat next to Benny in a couple of classes and he is very sweet.
This little corgi is only 4 months old! She is as smart as can be. Look at the attention she has with her person. She is going to be a great freestyle dog.
I met this nice English Setter boy, Bentley. It is great to see another setter doing freestyle.
Teddy is my Drill Teammate and my traveling companion. He is doing very well in class.
Kiwi is tiny (I bet my ears weigh more than she does) but she does great freestyle and is very smart and cute.
I am having a great time but it is very tiring to think so much. I just crashed in the bleachers this afternoon.
Tomorrow is the last day of the retreat so I will try to get someone to take pictures of Barbara and I doing some of our new moves.
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