Can you believe it has been over 5 weeks since I have blogged?? It is disgraceful! My person has been very slack and I think that I am going to advertise her in the paper "Free to a good home". Of course she has her excuses about work and her modem issues blah, blah, blah, blah. I have been doing many interesting things, training and playing and I wanted you to know about them and find out what you are doing too.
This week we went to a very fun event called "Yappy Hour". It is a fund raiser for
Chatham Animal Rescue and Education. Dogs are allowed to eat and socialize on the patio at the Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro. When I say we, I mean me and Barbara. We left Ambrose at home since we didn't want to create a commotion. Of course he cried his eyes out when we went without him.
Here I am at the entrance to Yappy Hour. Barbara paid $10 and I got a big biscuit, she got a drink and chips and a Tshirt.

I sat politely next to our table waiting for some food.

She ordered a barbeque sandwich. It smelled great but Barbara wouldn't give me any because she said it was too spicy for me. I don't believe that - I think she just did not want to share. I did get most of the french fries though.

There were about 15 other dogs there, most of them very well behaved.

Look at this cute little guy under the chair.

Of course many people admired me because I was so well behaved and I did hear a couple of people refer to me as "gorgeous". I got lots of petting. One of the waitresses gave me a good ear rub.

I had a great time at Yappy Hour and of course was glad they raised money for the dogs and cats that CARE fosters. The next Yappy Hour is Monday, June 20th from 5:30-7:30. I plan to be there and if you are in the area, you should come too.
AMBROSE HERE. Yes, I was highly insulted to be left out of Yappy Hour especially when I smelled all those french fries on Niamh's breath when she got home! However I have been busy taking a tricks class and playing with my girl friend Scout.
After chasing around we always wrestle and play bitey face.
I hope Barbara will take some pictures of me doing my tricks. I have learned to beg, spin in both directions, circle around her, crawl and roll a log. It is a lot of work but I don't mind since I get bits of hot dog for doing the tricks.Glad to be back blogging and we will check in with all of you this evening.
Your friends,
Niamh &