I love snow!

You can see how much I enjoyed my run through the woods in the snow.

Ambrose has only seen snow once when he was very little, so he got very excited this morning and went completely cracker dog trying to dig a hole to China in the snow.

He likes to make a snow beard on his goofy face.

He is whining now because he wants to go back outside to play in it.
I don't know why people here in NC get in such a twist about getting snowed in. We have enough dog food, stuffies, treats and chewies to last a long time. What is the big deal?
You still have time to enter our Train Your Dog Photo Contest. I've gotten quite a few entries in the last few days and the competition is stiff. However the prizes are excellent. Both you and your person will win a prize if you are one of the top four placements. You have until Sunday, January 31st at midnight to send in a photo of you and your person training together. It doesn't have to be obedience, just any skill, trick or game that you like to do together.