I got two new stuffies for my birthday! The yellow one is a great tug toy.

You may wonder why I don't look terribly excited about my new stuffies. It is because Barbara is singing "Happy Birthday" to me and it sounds ghastly. I tried to hide my head and pretend I didn't hear it.

These are great stuffies though (even if I did have to endure her singing to get them). Now I just have to keep Ambrose from getting his puppy cooties on them or farting anywhere near them.
After I got my presents Barbara took me to the park for a walk and then a drive out in the country to a most wonderful place.

The cows at Maple View Farm make delicious ice cream and the store is filled with it.

Of course I couldn't go inside but Barbara went in and bought me a dish of Butter Pecan ice cream!

She fed it to me on the spoon because she was afraid if she gave me the dish I would eat the whole thing in one gulp!

It was delicious and when I was almost through she let me lick the cup to get every creamy, yummy drop.

What a great birthday treat! More please?

I am one lucky Gordon Setter.