Roscoe CGC

Riley CGC
Congratulations guys. Now they will go on to Therapy Dog class. They are both so friendly and sweet that I am sure that they will make great therapy dogs.
For those of you who are interested, Ambrose only peed 15 times yesterday. At this rate he will not get housetrained until 2012. Barbara says that all puppies do this and he won't have complete muscle control until about 16 weeks. She says I did the same thing but I do not think it is true. I was practically perfect as a puppy.
Ambrose is a fearless little guy and likes to walk through the woods with us and climb on logs and rocks.

He is also really good at destroying daffodils and crocuses.

We have had a few bitey face games, which have been fun, but it does not make up for his howling in his crate. He gets cranky in the evening and throws a temper tantrum when Barbara won't let him get on the couch with her. She puts him in time out for a few minutes (I think it should be for a few days) until he calms down. It is a lot of work being in charge of a puppy so I think I will take a nap while he is thrashing one of his little stuffies.