Monday, May 25, 2009

Excuses, Excuses!

Usually I get to post about twice a week but it has been 11 days since my last post. This is disgraceful. Barbara has lots of excuses - problems with the internet connection, work, meetings, conference calls -blah! Blah! BLAH! It is not as if I haven't been doing anything, it is just that she says that she has been too busy to upload my pictures and help me visit all my friends' blogs. What could be more important than helping me blog?

Ambrose and I met a new friend at the dog park. Her name is Jazzy and she is a young Standard Poodle.

We had a good time running around the park. Jazzy is a fast runner. I hope we meet up with her again.

I've been doing a lot of training recently because I have a freestyle competition coming up in July. Barbara is pleased with how our routine is coming. My boyfriend Trotter comes out to the training center to practice too. We always have some playtime as well. We had a good game of tug with this duck.

Ambrose has been very annoying lately. I have had to correct him quite severely as he has tried to muzzle in on my morning ear rubs! This is my special time with Barbara and I will not have it interrupted. He is also developing into a serious thief. He stole a roll of paper towels and chewed it up. He got a jar of peanut butter off the counter and ate half of it! You can imagine that many HBO words were said around here.

But the worst part is that Ambrose has turned out to be a terrible farter! I hate to be indelicate but I cannot bear it. We were in the dog-crate-on-wheels and the stench was unbelievable. Barbara opened the windows but it was not enough. Ambrose and I are in crates in the dog-crate-on-wheels (I try to do the driving if I am loose) and I could not escape. You can see from this picture that I am about ready to expire from the smell.

I really don't know what I am going to do with him. All I can say is that he better get me a really good birthday present (my birthday is Wednesday) to make up for all I have to put up with from him.

We will catch up with all your blogs in the next couple of days. Hope you all had a fun Memorial Day weekend.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We miss you terribly when you don't post, Niamh, so you are right to be upset!

It seems that young Ambrose is very much in his adolescent period which is designed to annoy all those around him... Too bad about the "odours." We do feel for you!

We love all the photos and would like more of you very soon!

Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls

Stanislaw said...

Maybe Ambrose has a case of the Puke-Mobiles like I do? If I'm not puking in the car, I'm farting. I think it's manly.

Ambrose is a serious beast. I find the size of his paws a bit frightening. He's going to be like 2,345 feet tall!

My mom had a question (as usual)-
Has your mom ever heard of using Melatonin to help a dog with anxiety? I've begun backsliding a bit and they're considering treatment methods beyond just obedience and exposure now. They would like to avoid prescribed medications, but are worried they've exhausted their options. I need something to get me over this hump. But research on melatonin sounds promising in my case. Ever know anyone that used it?

Thanks feaster dudes!

Anonymous said...

Niamh, I can't believe it! Ambrose is a little farting machine? Cute little Ambrose? Maybe it's the paper towels and peanut butter! Oh dear. Well, perhaps things will improve as his digestive system gets more mature. Let's hope. Happy early birthday, Niahm!

Your pal,

Stanislaw said...

Hi again,
No need to go out of your way regarding the melatonin research. I'm pretty set on giving it a try and have done tons of online and Yahoo! group searching. I was just curious if you knew of anything off-hand.

I really appreciate your willingness to help! We'll be posting about his treatment and results.

Thanks again,
Stan's Mom

Dandy Duke said...

Mitch is a paper towel stealer too, Niamh, but he's not a farter! We do feel for you! We hope it's just a faze that he'll grow out of! Do you think he's doing it just for attention?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I can't really comment on the farting since I am a bit relaxed in that area myself. But I also keep Pee-Wee away when I am getting scratches. That's Mango time! He has learned (finally) to stay away when I am getting my special attentions.


Unknown said...

So glad you're back, Niamh...I missed you terribly! But it was great to catch up on all your news in this post.

Ooh! You've got a Canine Freestyle competition in July?? Me too!!! How exciting! We're working on a brand new routine too...and we haven't much time left! Eeek!

What music are you doing yours to? I'm going mine to "Me & My Shadow" - a nice SLOW song! Hee! Hee!

Please, please, PLEASE show us a video!! You're my only blog friend who also does Canine Freestyle so I'm really excited and desperately want to know more about what you do!!

Honey the Great Dane

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Oh dear, poor Ambrose and his smelley wind, actually we should say poor you Niamh. hehe...

It is Wednesday morning here now so Happy Birthday Niamh... we hope you have a great day today!

Holly & Zac...XX

Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Sounds like you have been busy!
I am sure you are going to do great in your Freestyle competition!
I don't know what to say about the farting boy! But I had a good laugh reading about him!
Kisses and hugs

Kirby said...

Hi Niamh! I understand your blogging predicament. My Mom finds all kinds of excuses why she can't help me blog too. Hopefully, they will both buckle down and blog consistently. He he!! Poor you having to be stuck smelling Ambrose's farts. That can not be nice.

Your pal,

Amber-Mae said...

Hey Niamh! Good luck with your freestyle competition. Please be sure to take a video of it. I'd love to see! I bet you are pretty good. We hope Ambrose will give you a nice Barkday pressie.

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Princess Patches said...

Happy birthday, Niamh! Ambrose sounds like a countersurfing Airedale! We steal EVERYTHING! Our mom calls it "shopping". Most of the time, we don't destroy the stuff we shop, but there ARE exceptions!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Not on, you should go on strike!
My Mum like your new friend very much, she has a thing for poodles.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It probably is that peanut butter that caused all the gas..
Happy Birthday Niamh..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

the TN Bull Terrors said...

Oh no, nothin worse than livin with a fart machine! Sorry yer stuck with that! We left you an award on our bloggie!

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^

Fenway said...

Happy Birthday, my sweet lovely Niamh...

As for the Stinking Puppy, please suggest to Ambrose that massive amounts of peanut butter might be the worst thing he can do!!!!

My Human Editor also takes off great swaths of time. She's been really tardy posting lately. Actually, this week she has an excuse because we are away. And guess what???? I am living in a HOTEL!!!! With elevators!!!! And everyone here makes such a fuss over me. I rather like this!

Your pal,

Sue said...

Maybe eating half a jar of peanut butter at one time caused some intestinal distress. We hope he outgrows the gas problem.