Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Good Dog Play

In my mission to encourage good dog play, I thought you would like to see a short video of me and Ambrose playing chase and a bit of bitey face. Barbara was too slow to catch us running away so the video picks up as we race back in her direction. Every time you see shots of the ground it means we crashed into her knees! Ha! Amazingly, no HBO words were used in the making of this video.

You can see how well I control the play. Ambrose has learned my cut-off signals and when I decide that the play is over for a bit, he goes away. Goofy as he is, he is learning good skills. Barbara never let him play with bad companions when he was little and of course he has had me as an excellent example. This is critical in developing a good play style. If you are bullied as a puppy, you may grow up to be a bully.

Thanks for all your concern about the dog-crate-on-wheels. The insurance will pay for the repairs but there is a long wait to get it fixed. It still drives though so we can get around to all our activities. I would not want to miss out on our Drill Team practice tomorrow.

Hope all of you had a chance to play this weekend.


Dexter said...

Ha ha! When we get zoomies going momma tries to find a tree to brace herself for when the bodies come flying into her.

Guess that Ambrose isn't such a goofball after all if he minds you so well. I would mind you too.


D.K. Wall said...

Excellent "calming" signal with the shake at the end, which was a clear "game over" sign.

MurphyDog said...

boy, you two had a great game of chase going on there! That's one of my favorite games.

One of my bestest dog park friends is a Gordon Setter named Rags. He's about 15 months and we get along so good! We like to play chase and bitey face too! I'm lucky to have found such a nice Gordon Setter here in Sandy Eggo. You don't see em very often out here.

wags, wiggles & slobbers

Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
I don't know much about manners but sure I can see you two had lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

That looked like such fun to us! Mitch loves to bash into mom's knees too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Hero said...

You are a very good teacher, Niamh. Ambrose is turning out to be a true gentleman. I haven't been so lucky when it comes to finding good playmates over here. So far I've only met one dog that I really love to play with and all my other dog friends either only want to play with hoomans or play too rough and don't know when to stop. Sometimes I try to initiate play with Tagpi, but it never lasts for more than a few seconds as he only enjoys playing with hoomans. Hopefully I'll be able to find more friends who would like to play nice with me in Maryland.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love the video. You 2 play like we play with Callie only we usually wait for her to come around an ambush her. She is quite fast..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Clive said...

Looks like you were having brillant fun!

take care

Euri said...

Oh wow! You guys look like you're having a lot of fun and that's such a nice park!

Unknown said...

Oh Niamh - I wish I had you to teach me how to play nicely when I was a pup - then maybe I wouldn't be so rough when I play! That always really frustrates my human. Although maybe you're right and it is just my "play style" - nothing really wrong with it - and it's just a case of finding other dogs with a similar play style...

Funnily enough, sometimes I can play really gently, with very tiny dogs - or when I used to play with my kitty sister, Lemon...but in general, when I invite dogs to play in the park, I'm always really bouncy and wrestly and gallopy (and cos I'm to big, all of these actions are magnified, of course!) and so scaring half the other dogs (& owners!) to death!

Hsin-Yi doesn't know where I learnt such a tomboyish play style - it wasn;t like I was bullied as a pup coz I was always the biggest pup in puppy school! (Sigh) Maybe it is just me...

Honey the Great Dane

Abbey & Maya said...

Happy ThanksGiving!!
From Abbey and Maya