Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Weatherman Lied!

The weatherman on TV was very excited yesterday predicting all sorts of bad weather and a lot of snow. That made me excited because I love the snow and we don't get that much of it here in the Triangle of NC. We got a few flakes and then some freezing rain. Unfortunately it rained all night and there was no snow.

I looked for it all over the yard.

Ambrose did too.

Where is all the snow we were promised??

I know that our friends up north are getting a lot of it. You are welcome to send some down here to us so we can play in it and track it all over the house!

In other news, Ambrose is up to his old tricks. We had gone for quite awhile without him destroying anything. He was starting to get the hang of chewing on appropriate chew toys and leaving Barbara's stuff alone. Unfortunately the wrapping paper roll was just too much for him. She had only wrapped one present when the phone rang and she went to answer it. A huge mistake. Ambrose took the opportunity to steal the entire roll of wrapping paper!!

Several choice HBO words were said and Barbara had to go out and buy more wrapping paper!

Of course I would never do something like that. I love the cardboard rolls inside of paper towels and toilet tissue but I wait until the paper is off the roll and Barbara gives it to me. I am such a good girl.


D.K. Wall said...

Come west to us here in Maggie Valley, NC. We got a "little" snow and you can see the video on our blog.

As for the ruh-roh incident, stuff happens. Especially around here.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are indeed a very good girl, Niamh. and we would never expect any bad behaviour from you.

Sorry about the lack of snow. I wish we could send you some of ours!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Sorry you did not get all the snow you were waiting for!
Ambrose! Ambrose! Sure that wrapping paper was very tempting to leave it there, right??
I love your innocent face in that picture!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

Doesn't Ambrose realize that Santa is watching?!
We finally got snow last night when it was time to go to bed so naturally we can't wait to go outside today and play in it!
We have more than enough to share! We'll be sending you a HUGE box of the pretty white stuff, Niamh!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Teenagers! Just when you think they are good doggies they go off and do something like that. PeeWee trimmed the edge of our coffee table when he was a teenager. Imagine the HBO words. Sigh.

We have plenty of snow. Wish I could send you some.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sorry you didn't get your snow. You need to stop by Khyra's she got lots of it...
Cardboard rolls are supposed to be chewed up aren't they?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Clive said...

Niamh, we know you would never do anything like that!

We would love some snow too! Just freezing cold here and everyone keeps getting sick!

love and woofs

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Any snow yet?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Agatha and Archie said...

Listen this snow thing is not all it's supposed to be and you are QUITE welcome to ours..and the plows that go with them....As for Ambrose and the paper??Don't get nervous but we are kind of on his side...I mean that stuff is GREAT to shred and stuff...Maybe just try it a litle to check it out..don't be too hard on him for this one.Love A+A and Merry Christmas to you all!! Love and ksises A+A

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

hehe, naughty Ambrose!

We hope you get some snow there soon, we love playing in it.

We also hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

Holly & Zac...xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh no! Silly weather man! Have a wonderful crisp mas anyway.
~lickies, Ludo

Juno said...

Hello Niamh, Ambrose and Barbara, we've missed you!

We enjoyed seeing the photos from the parade. We think you two are very similar to us. Me Momo would wait to see the roll but me Pinot would go for it.. yes, I would chew up the paper. :) But hey, look at our innocent look, Ambrose! You too, NIamh!

Happy Holidays!

Momo & Pinot

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Merry Christmas to you all..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said...

Hi Niamh,

Merry Christmas! And thanks for all your lovely comments recently!

I think that picture of you and Ambrose together, with the leaves in the background, is just GORGEOUS!!

I would like to see some snow too, although I don't think I ever shall as Australia seems to be the driest, brownest country on earth!! I think we're lucky to get rain here, never mind snow!

Hey - I'm just like you! I love the cardboard inside toilet rolls, etc, too! I also LOVE cardboard boxes - carrying them around, banging them into things, and then ripping them up. When I was a pup, I used to be naughty and steal any cardboard thing I could find - but now I'm a good girl like you and only play with cardboard that I'm given by my humans. Naughty Ambrose! I can just imagine what your human must have said when she got off the phone - ha! ha!

Honey the Great Dane

Chef said...

Oh Ambrose is a naughty boy! I hope Santa didn't leave him a lump of coal in his stocking.

We have tons of snow up here in Canada and I'd gladly send you all of it.

Hope you had a fantastic Christmas.


SEDONA said...

Niamh, Ambrose & hooman,
Happy Christmas! Hope Santy Paws was good to you 'cuz I'm sure you've been very good this year (right?!)
Very cool to see you in the parade!
Did you get any snow yet? Mine all melted yesterday with the rain :-(
Your pal,

Deefor said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a grrreat 2010. I am pretty good about not chewing human stuff but my brother Arrow is more like Ambrose.

Fenway said...

Dear Niamh!

I'm so sorry I hogged all your snow. I think I could have spared you at least a foot.

But it's almost all gone now. Next time I won't be so selfish.

Your pal,

Scout and Freyja said...


Here's to another year of friendship and smiles and holding up each other through the trials. Over the past year you have brought us many giggles, some laughter and always a feeling that the world is a better place because you are in it.