Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Puppies

Don't worry. We did not get another puppy! One Ambrose is quite enough for me.

My Drill Team friend, Royal, got an new puppy sister a couple of weeks ago. He seems to like her a lot (how strange?) and lets her nibble on him all the time. She is pretty cute though.

Royal's person, Jenn, thought that little Jet needed to meet a dog that would not be so besotted with her and teach her to respond to cut off signals. So Barbara brought me over to meet her. I was more interested in running around Royal's yard than playing with a silly puppy. Of course Jet was fascinated with me (who wouldn't be?) and followed me everywhere on her little puppy legs. I pretended she wasn't there. When she came too close, I glared at her or gave her a little growl. She was very respectful and backed off immediately.

I think she is a smart little thing and will turn out well. If you want to see more pictures of Jet's training you can check out Royal's blog.

Then I found out that Penny, my Airedale Terrier friend who is also in our Drill Team, has a new brother. His name is Joey. He looks like he is going to be a wild boy like Ambrose.

Since it was a beautiful day, we got some dog park time. I love the fresh, new grass. I couldn't resist doing a bit of roaching.

Here is a little video of me enjoying myself.

Look at all the foliage that I managed to get in my fur! I even had pine straw hanging from my feathers.

Ambrose had a big time running through the park. He stole another dog's squeaky toy and raced around showing it off.

Finally he wore himself out and it was time to go.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all! Hope you got some corned beef or some soda bread.


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

What is up with all these puppies and their cuteness? Gah! I mean, I have to deal with puppy cuteness 24/7 and ARRRRGH!!! Playing in the grass sure looked like fun, though!

*kissey face*

Life With Dogs said...

Happy holiday to you as well! Now I have a solid case of puppy fever. :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look great with your foliage decorations, Niamh!

From what you write, it sounds like girl puppies ay be a little more "together" than little boys? Jet does look cute.


Fred said...

You are such a good helper with those puppies! I asked for soda bread, but Mr. Jason said, "no."

Stanislaw said...

Mom totally wants to get us a sister, but that's not going to happen until I get my manners a little more under control and we no longer rent apartments. Poo! I want a little sister to wrastle with! And Big Pupi LOOOVES the ladies. You're lucky you get to borrow a wriggly puppy girl to play with! (or growl at..) I'm soooo jealous!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what cute puppy friends you all have. Glad you are keeping that little Jet in line..
Oh roaching in the grass is so much fun...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Agatha and Archie said...

YOOO HOOOO HERE WE ARE!!! a bit behind as usual ut now we are all caught up....Ahhhh we can not WAIT to raoch you seem to be a bit ahead of us(but we saw crocuses today)We must tell you that your store looks FABULOUS!! We saw some things we know and some that are TOTALLY new to us!!!! And alas we too have to be want to talk about instruments of torutre? At least you do not have terrier hair..they take a RAKE and comb you.......geesh...Love A+A

Dogster said...

Dogster Dog here!

Just wanted to stop by your blog to personally award you for being a top dog blogger! I couldn't find your email, so hopefully you get this! If you're interested, shoot me an email at nam(at)!


Dandy Duke said...

Jet is sure cute, Niamh. We're glad she showed you some respect!
Wow - your coat picks up all sorts of leaves and grass. We're glad to see you enjoying yourself!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Well the video clearly demonstrated how you got your furs all so dirty BOL As for Ambrose...tsk tsk

Unknown said...

Hi Niamh,

I love a good roll too! And I had to laugh at that picture of you covered in twigs and leaves and stuff!! I can't believe it - it's such a far cry from your usual salon-gorgeous self!! :-)

Hey - I have a question to ask you (or your Barbara, rather): when I meet puppies, I also often do what you did with Jet - I just give a very soft little growl under my breath, although I'm very good with them...but Hsin-Yi gets upset when she hears me growling. She always wonders whether she should tell me off for doing that? Of course, she understand that I need to teach puppies manners but she always thought that if I'm growling, that is sort of "aggressive" behaviour and so shouldn't she be letting me know that it is unacceptable to behave like that? Usually, she say "Honey, NO" - and then I stop growling - and then she praises me a lot & sometimes treats me if I just tolerate the puppy and sniff it or just ignore it but don't that the right thing to do? If Barbara has the time to let us know, we'd really appreciate it!

Honey the Great Dane

Golden Samantha said...

Ahhhh - rolling in piney detritus is soooo good! Love the movie! I'll bet you're glad that puppy understands doggie speak! Happy belated St. Paddy's Day - I hope you have a great weekend!
Hugs xo

Clive said...

Great post!

A happy belated St Patrick's Day to you all.

Have a good weekend
Clive and the NSLM

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

They are both adorable puppies.

We loved watching you roll around like that, and the photo after! hehe

Looks like you and Ambrose had a lot of fun at the park.

Have a great weekend. :)

BRUTUS said...

What is this world coming to? Puppies everywhere! Think they might be planning a coux?? Don't look now, but I'm hearing rumors that one might be invading my house before too long! Looove your attempt at camouflage BTW!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Chef said...

You look very cool with all those shmootzies hanging off your feathers, Niamh. Not used to seeing you like that! I wish I had feathers so leaves and stuff could hang from them but then when I think of all the brushing and fussing that you must endure after, I'm kinda glad I'm bald! Just love all those cute little puppyfaces too.
