Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am the Birthday Girl!

Can you believe it? I am five years old today!!!

Because it is going to be very hot today, Barbara said that we had to start the celebration early. So off we went to Fearrington for a walk around the ponds. Then we stopped at the outdoor cafe for a birthday treat.

I got this entire poppyseed muffin all to myself. See how politely I waited for it?

Barbara fed it to me in pieces since she was afraid that I would have gulped it down in one piece, which I seriously considered.

I ate every last crumb and I can tell you that it was quite delicious.

Then I had to stand by this fountain to pose for birthday photos.

It doesn't show up too well in these pictures but I got a pretty new collar this morning. The connector on my old plaid one broke and I have been wearing a pink collar that is so not me. One of my presents was a new collar with a green pattern which I think is more my style.

We have been very busy at the new training center and I have been helping Barbara by being the demo dog for her classes. She had her website put on our dog-crate-on-wheels to get more visibility for the center. Since the name is on it she says that we have to be very well behaved when she takes us out in public. This is a lot of pressure.

I am practically perfect in every way but sometimes, especially when we go to a new place, I get a bit silly when I get out fo the dog-crate-on-wheels. It is very exciting to visit different places and sometimes I can't help myself with all the great, new smells, but I will try.

However I don't know what we are going to do about Ambrose. Just when I think he is maturing he goes and does something really, really bad. I know you will be horrified when I tell you.

Last week Royal's sister Jet came to visit us at the training center. She is a confident little puppy but minded me quite well.

Then Ambrose came in and he stood over Jet in a rude way and then, to everyone's shock, he lifted his leg and peed on her!!!! I am mortified! Poor Jet. She didn't want anything to do with Ambrose after that (and I certainly don't blame her) but then he thought he could do play bows to her to get her to play with him. He is a real dope. He will never get a girl friend if he thinks that marking them is the way to go about it.

Anyway I am going to enjoy the rest of my birthday. I heard that we are having roast beast for dinner which is one of my favorites. Now if only Barbara refrains from singing Happy Birthday to me things will be wonderful.


Princess Patches said...

Happy, happy Birthday! Looks like a great day! Today is my barkday too! I'm 7 years old. I get to go for a walkie, later, all by myself with my mom!

Patches (and Penny too)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIAMH! You are one of the most beautiful girls I know and I thought of you last Sunday when we met a Gordon Setter on an outing (unfortunately, he wasn't very friendly). I hope you have a fabuous day today!

As for Ambrose, how mortifying to have him do THAT!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Niamh!!

And I know I shouldn't but oh - that story about Ambrose made me laugh!!!

I'm like you - because Hsin-Yi is very strict about my manners (and cos people always judge us big dogs much more harshly) - I'm usually very well-behaved. But sometimes when we go to a new place, I get very excited too and need a bit of "reminding" from Hsin-Yi...and lately, I've developed an obsession with possums so anytime I'm somewhere where I think they're around, I go a bit deaf and start getting all hyped up and even pulling on my lead (gasp!) a bit - which makes Hsin-Yi VERY annoyed. She says we're doing to have to do some more trainign around possum trees to remind me that my good manners apply EVERYWHERE...humph!

Honey the Great Dane

Fred said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day!

Scout and Freyja said...

We are so furry sorry that we missed your imPAWtant day!


Dexter said...

Happy Birthday. We are the same age! Wow! How come I have more grey in my face than you? I hope you are not touching up your furs.


D.K. Wall said...

Happy Birthday (even if we are 3 days behind on reading blogs).

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Niamh!
Sure you had a pawesome time celebrating your big day!
And... Ambrose did what??? Oh-oh!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

Oh no! We missed your birthday, Niamh! We hope it was the bestest ever! That poppyseed muffin looks delicious!
Poor Ambrose! He has so much to learn!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!! In a few days we will be the same age as you!!Listen it could be worse we could be her dogs...and then NO ONE would go to her classes once they saw us!! HAHAHAH As for your brother?? One of us is ROLLING on the floor and saying WAY TO GO LITTLE BUDDY and ONE of us is SHOCKED at his behaviour to a sweet little girl.....Guess who is saying which...Love A+A

BRUTUS said...

Well, better late than never... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope Flat Brutus shows up soon to help out at the training center!

Brutus the Frenchie

Hero said...

Happy birthday Niamh! That muffin sure looks delicious. Blueberry muffins are my favorite, but I've never had a whole muffin to myself. You're one lucky girl. That Ambrose is one silly and gross pup.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Belated Happy Birthday Niamh!

You are so well behaved waiting for your treat cake, it looks like you really enjoyed it. :)

It sounds like you had a really good birthday.

Ooops on Ambrose and the pee incident, Holly says that is silly boys for you...hehe

Have a great week, sorry we missed your birthday until now. Our human has been bad at keeping up on here again lately.

Stanislaw said...

Happy birthday my lady beast friend! I hope your muffin and dinner were delicious. I also would have eaten that muffin in one gulp. I'm not really about tasting my foodables.

Big Pupi likes to wee on ladies, too! He flirts with little fluffy female pups and, once he wins them over and they start to follow him about, he sidles up to them and lifts his leg. Mom gets so embarrassed!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Wow, life is good! Happy Birthday!!! I love knowing how a 'grown up' gordon setter will act, heehee!

Ayla said...

Happy Birthday Niamh! I hope you enjoyed your special day.

Sandi and I were out and about and saw the crate-on-wheels with the shiny new website logo on the back window. I don't think I could take that kind of pressure!

OMG! I can't believe that silly Ambrose peed on Jet. I guess you can't take that guy anywhere...

Your friend, Ayla