Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dog Grooming Torture Fail

On Sunday, Joan Tennille, the Founder of the Canine Freestyle Federation is coming to our freestyle guild meeting and practice to give us a presentation on scoring. She is very important in the freestyle world and Barbara wanted to make sure that I look my best when we show her our new routine.

I knew this meant dog grooming torture of a serious nature and yesterday I was attacked by all sorts of evil implements. She actually did a good job on my head.

Now I know that Mango is very concerned about his momma losing steam and I am afraid that my person is losing her mind. My Auntie Karen has taught Barbara how to put a big towel on me after my bath and to pin it down while my fur is drying. This helps to keep it nice and smooth. Well somehow she forgot to do this and you can see the result.

I have a Fluffy Butt!!

Gordon Setters are not supposed to have Fluffy Butts! Look at my tail. Some of the fur is going up instead of down! I will be a laughingstock among setters. Look at all the cowlicks. I hope my sister Tori (Ch. Stonemist Wrinkle in Time) does not see this because she will make fun of me, I know.

I think it is time to trade Barbara in for a new person. She had a birthday the week before and is now 385 dog years. That is ancient and she is becoming very forgetful.

In other news I have gotten together with some of my boyfriends. I had not seen my boyfriend Riley in quite awhile because he had a big operation on his hip and a long rehab. Fortunately it was a great success and he seems as good as new. His people brought him to see my new training center. I was very glad to see him but I played hard to get for awhile.

But Riley was persistent and we got into a good game of bitey face.

We really got going and our ears were flying. It was so good to see him again.

I also got to visit with my boyfriend Trotter. We like to practice our obedience together. Here he is practicing the trick of standing on the stool. I think this is a good one because it will make it easier for him to steal things off the counter.

It is very hot here and we haven't been playing outside very much. I am bored so I am looking forward to freestyle practice tomorrow even though I have a Fluffy Butt.


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Well, we had to do some catchin' up here since we've been slugards at reading our buddies blogs lately! The June 10th post on Flat Brutus's tragic "accident" made our stupid mama chuckle and cluck like an old hen!! Now you tell us about another major mishap: Fluffy Tailed Niamh!! Hootie actually thinks it looks attractive! He likes the appearance of a L-A-Rge behind!! BWhahaha. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Hope you have fun this weekend.

Nice tail there girl!!
WelshieHugs, Hootie

Hero said...

Sorry to hear that you were tortured, Niamh. If it makes you feel any better I got tortured last night with mom's thinning shears and Mars Coat King.

Mom used to do the towel trick on me too, but it kept falling off so she came up with an even more embarrassing trick. She got an old pair of pantyhose, cut holes in them, and make me wear it while I dry outside. I look like an idiot, but I must admit that my hair comes out looking flat and sleek after an hour in it. The things hoomans put us through!

Dexter said...

Niamh! This is totally unacceptable. You look a fright. All your furs at loose and random angles. How awful. Can you wear a mask?


Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Happy Belated Birthday to Barbara!
Well... my mom says that everyone is entitled to have a bad hair day!
Glad you had fun with your friends!
Kisses and hugs

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry to hear about the degradation in your person's quality, Niamh. Wear and tear, huh? We would offer you a home here but we suspect the age group is a little too similar....

BRUTUS said...

Oh, thank goodness for being a short-furred breed! Just can't imagine the tortures you must endure, all for the sake of beauty! We think you look dapper no matter which way your tail furs go!

Multiple Snorts-
Brutus (& Carmen) the Frenchie(s)

Juno said...

Happy Birthday Barbara!!! Niamh, sorry to hear that you had to go through the fortune but We think your fluffy but is nice and cute! :) :)

Momo & Pinot

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

OMD you went through all that torture and turned out like that. What was Mom thinking? Sure glad you got to see all your friends again.. Have fun at the freestyle event...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dandy Duke said...

Your butt looks just fine to us, Niamh! You always look just beautiful with never a fur out of place!
Happy belated birthday to Miss Barbara!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We will be sure and watch them pour the cement from inside so we don't get stuck.. he he
We might have to bark at them a bit too..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh dear, Barbara! Send her for some more training! Good idea about the stool trick.
What kind of doggy is your first boyfriend there?
~lickies, Ludo

Deefor said...

Thanks for visiting!
I like your fluffy butt. Maybe you'll start a new doggy butt fashion. I growl and try to bite the brush. But it only gets me sent to professional torturers.

Dog Grooming Toronto said...

Dog grooming is very vital because the physical appearance of your dog influences the way he feels and the way we look at him as well. Remember, a clean dog is a happy and healthy dog!

Dog Grooming Toronto

Dog Groomer said...

Thank you so much guys for sharing on your opinion about this topic, I truly appreciate your thought.

Dog Groomer