Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parade Practice

The Paws 4Ever Drill Team, of which I am a proud member, will be marching in the Hillsborough Holiday Parade next Saturday and in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Holiday Parade the week after that. I love the parades because our team gets lots of applause from the crowd as we march along in formation doing tricks. While we have indoor practice every Monday night, right before parade season we go into town and practice outside. We had practice this afternoon and most of us wore our new ruffled bandanas.

Royal, one of my Drill Team buddies, has a very talented grandma who makes special ruffled bandanas for dogs. They are reversible and have jingle bells inside them (important when you have a dog like Ambrose who would eat the bells if they were on the outside of the the bandana). Royal is the Australian Shepherd in the middle.

Royal's grandma made bandanas for the entire team so we can wear them in the parade. Here I am modeling my holiday bandana which has a design of stockings and mistletoe with "peace, hope and joy".

My BFF Ayla is modeling the reverse side of the bandana which is green with white bones. I think she looks quite pretty.

Casper is Jewish so she got a Chanukah bandana instead of a Christmas one.

Teddy, the newest member of our team, wanted to wear the green side so he would coordinate with his person's pants.

We had an excellent practice and I know that we will be a big hit in the parade as always. After practice we posed for a group photo. I think we dogs look pretty spiffy in our bandanas. Our people all look a bit scruffy but don't worry they will look much better in the parades because they will wear matching pants and sweatshirts. Of course all the spectators' eyes will be on the dogs and not the people anyway.

Ambrose isn't in the Drill Team (just think of the commotion he could cause in the parade) but he wanted to model his Halloween ruffled bandana so I let him.

We have new scarf bandanas with a Santa pattern that we will wear in our Christmas pictures. If you want a scarf or ruffled bandana check out Jing-a-ling Dog Bandanas. Royal's grandma makes them in all sizes with lots of different patterns.


Duke said...

We just know you're going to shine in your beautiful ruffled bandana next weekend, Niamh! Ambrose looks pretty handsome in his too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

You guys look FANTASTIC!!! Mom's family (both her brothers, their kids, her parents...) live in your area, and has mentioned your appearances - maybe they'll actually get to see you in person (well... you know what I mean!)!! Regardless, y'all look GREAT!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What beautiful bandana's Grandma makes... You all look awesome..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 and I so wish we could be there to admire you in the parades, Niamh! We know you will look fantasti!

Looking good in our bandana too, Ambrose!


Lorenza said...

Sure it was a pawesome Parade Practice!
You all look gorgeous wearing the bandanas!
Ambrose included!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

I want to see the drill team movie! That would be fantastic.


Agatha and Archie said...

Ohhhhhh what gorgeous bandanas!!!! And you can tell Ambroise he looks smashing! Lvoe and kisses A+A