Monday, October 31, 2011

The Box

Remember that big box of stuff from the APDT Conference? I wanted to open it right away but Barbara said that we had to save it for a rainy day! What??? Anyway she wouldn't let us open it but kept us busy with other things. Last week we went to UNC to give a demo to the General Psychology class. I must say that I did a very nice job. I did a really fast recall before 250 students from the back of the auditorium all the way to the front. Even Ambrose behaved well and both of us worked with the students so some of them could get practice doing clicker training and operant conditioning. Of course we got lots of petting and treats. Unfortunately there are no pictures of this.

But today, Halloween, was a rainy day and we got to open the box. At first I was disappointed because all that came out were T-shirts. Who wants bits of cloth? But my nose hadn't deceived me and once Barbara removed the boring shirts we got down to the good stuff.

Look at some of this loot! There were several new toys as well as 7 different flavors of treats!!! I can't wait to do my treat palatability research. This is a heavy responsibility but anything for science.

Ambrose immediately grabbed one of the new toys and raced around with it.

Then he started to bite it and just look what he did! There are holes in the toy already and he only had it for 5 minutes!

I am not happy with Ambrose. Today I had to snap at him when he came too close to my toilet paper roll (all cardboard rolls are mine). I thought that he was maturing lately but I was wrong.

Tomorrow night Barbara is giving a talk on Coping with Canine Adolescence and Ambrose is the poster boy. Well he did take 2nd place in the Mangominster Bad Sports class.

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween and that you didn't eat any chocolate (you know it is bad for you).


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

There are too many toys out there that are just not worth the money, Niamh! The other day, #1 gave me a stuffie someone had brought me and it was in tatters within the hour!

I am very much looking forward to the results of your palatability research!

Hi Ambrose! Have fun at the talk!


Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

OMD, that looks like the best box of stuff, ever!
Wanna share?

Anonymous said...

Toy testers! What a great job you have. Mind you the kong or any toy or game where I can win food has got to be number one for me! SO nice to find your blog - aroofs from Zola in France!

Dandy Duke said...

Brothers can be such a pain when it comes to taking care of special toys. Watch him like a hawk, Niamh!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Hero said...

I'm looking forward to your treat review, niamh. Now that we're in the states we can actually buy the ones you recommend! I'm pretty sure all younger siblings are out to make their elders' lives miserable. Phoebe and Ambrose would make the perfect evil siblings team.