Monday, July 5, 2010

In Memory

Lots of you get very creative with your blogs and are always changing the photos in your header. You may wonder why the photo in our header is always the same. Barbara does not want to change it because it is a picture of me and my big sister Selkie wagging our tails. I was just a puppy then and had hardly any fur on my tail while Selkie, who was grown up, had a very waggy tail with luxurious fur. I still don't have as much furnishings or feathers as she had. Barbara says it would make her too sad to change the photo so it will be that same one for a long time.

Selkie had to be put to sleep three years ago today. You can read some posts about Selkie and another one here.

Here is photo of Selkie and Barbara when Selkie finished her Rally Advanced title at the Gordon Setter National Specialty in 2006.

Selkie was a great Gordon Setter. She was quite the diva and loved performing so that people would clap for her. She was very playful and flirty but she had strict rules about how boy dogs had to behave around her. While I have been developing my talents at teaching boys manners Selkie was a natural at it. All she had to do was glare at a rude dog and they would back down. If she was alive now, Ambrose would not be allowed to move!!!


Dandy Duke said...

Selke was just beautiful and she died way too young! Our thoughts are with you today. And now each time we visit your blog, we will think of Selke when we glance at your header photo.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

BRUTUS said...

We can only imagine how hard that must have been to have Selke leave so suddenly. Mom dreads that sort of thing (we Frenchies are pretty high-maintenance in the health department) and is always all worried about us. Barbara must have lots of fun memories of her days in the ring with Selke. Our thoughts are with your pack today!

Michelle, Brutus, Carmen & Mason

Deefor said...

Selke had a really beautiful tail. Thanks for telling us about her.


D.K. Wall said...

We know how hard these anniversaries can be. Thinking of you.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Don't change your header photo! A photo like this can mean the world to you and to the rest of us it tells a story. Thank you for sharing both the written story and the photo story!