Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Holiday Parade

After the big disappointment over last week's parade I was really glad to wake up this morning to sunshine. That meant that the Paws 4Ever Dog Drill Team would be able to march in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Holiday Parade. It was quite cold but I never mind that because my fur is quite thick and keeps me warm. Also Barbara fed me a big breakfast since I was going to have to do a lot tricks and needed my strength.

Barbara and I met up with all our Drill Team friends and lined up for the parade.

We have been practicing all fall for this event. We know how to do lots of tricks while we march along. The crowd loves us and always applauds.

Our training is all positive and reward based. We get treats (I had cheese and hot dogs), praise and petting for doing our moves and formations. None of that dominance nonsense, force training for us! You can see that we are all enjoying working with our people. From left to right you can see Penny, Amiga, Hadji, my BFF Ayla and me.

People along the parade route are always impressed when we do our long downs in the middle of the parade and want to know how we do it. Our people tell them to take their dogs to class at Paws 4Ever.

I love to march in the parade. Besides getting to eat lots of treats, I like it when people make a fuss over me. I must say that I got a lot of attention because many people are not familiar with Gordon Setters wanted to pet my soft fur. We did meet one lady who was from Scotland, who knew my breed right away and admired me very much.

I had a great time marching in the parade. After all my exertions I needed a good nap but now I am ready to go again.


Lorenza said...

Glad the Parade went well and you all enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

What an honor to be able to march in a parade, Niamh! We were impressed with your long down-stays!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Good thing you got to do down stays because that looked totally exhausting. I notice that YOU were featured in the parade and not a certain doofus face brother.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a fun time.. We are sure the crowd loved you....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look absolutely gorgeous, Niamh! I wish I could have been there to admire you close-up!


D.K. Wall said...

What an excellent parade moment!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We have been hanging out in the kitchen all day waiting on mom to drop something!!!
She is kind of a sloppy cook.. hehe

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Stanislaw said...

Down Stay during a parade?!! Aren't parades for screaming, darting about and getting scritches from humans? I totally don't get you, Niamh. Or my stinkbutt brother. This Good Boy business has got to stop!

Bring on the wild beasts!

Golden Samantha said...

Looks like a lot of great obed. training! Glad to hear you had fun (and always do when training!) - wish we lived closer to have seen it!
Hugs xo