Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Shared Post

Thank you all for your concern about my poor tail and ears. I am happy to tell you that both have improved greatly and I am feeling better although I still have to take medicine for another week.

You know how I have kept strict control of my blog and I rarely let Ambrose post on it. I am worried that he may get ideas above his station and try to take over the blog like some labradorks we know. Ever since Ambrose took 2nd place in the Bad Sports class at Mango Minster he has had delusions of grandeur and wants to post more.

As a compromise we are going to experiment with shared posts! I am sure it will be a train wreck but we are going to try. I will post in regular print and Ambrose will post in italics.

Ambrose here. I am still basking in the glow of taking 2nd place in Bad Sports at Mango Minster. Miss Perfect Niamh thinks that she is the only one who can win anything. I knew that all my badness would pay off some day. I was very inspired by Moose's well deserved 1st place. I will try to emulate him and be even more bad this year.

Barbara doesn't seem to think that this is a good idea. She has decided that I need more mental stimulation to keep me from doing bad things so we are doing a lot more training lately. Here I am practicing "leave it".

After my visit to Duke the nice students there sent me a box of toys to thank me for being a demo dog at Barbara's talk. Well actually the box was addressed to Barbara but I know that they sent them to me. We had to get right in there and check it out.

Of course Ambrose couldn't wait for Barbara to take the toys out of the box and grabbed one with the packaging still on it.

I waited politely to see the toys. They are excellent toys and I wanted them all for myself.

I took two of the toys and stood over them. Ambrose of course tried to get them but you can see I gave him an intense look and he turned his head away. I am very clear in my body language and as dopey as he is, Ambrose usually gets it when I am serious.

Niamh finally let me play with the toys. They are excellent and I raced around with them. I gave the raccoon a good shake.

The rabbit is good too. Barbara likes these toys because there is no stuffing in them for me to destuff and eat.

After some good playing I decided I would be a nice little brother and wash Niamh's ears for her. They had icky bacteria in them and I thought I could help her by cleaning them out.

Ambrose does like to lick my ears. Sometimes I don't mind it but at other times he just gets too enthusiastic and rough and messes up my ear fur. Then I have to tell him off.

Look how quickly he backed off when I told him to.


Fred said...

This should be interesting... ;P

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so glad you are feeling better, Niamh!

We hope the shared post idea will work. As you know, we do that here, on regulars like Manly Monday, and some other posts too. It generally works pretty well.


Amber-Mae said...

Love those intense looks you give him, Niamh. But I think it's a great idea to do shared posts with him. It's always good to share. BTW, those toys are nice.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Wonderful pictures, those toys look like great fun!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You did well with the shared post! Great toys you got there and it looks like Ambrose has learned to be good and respectful after all!
~lickies, Ludo

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling girl we are so sorry about your ears but happy they are getting better..Listen just a private word if I may....DO NOT DO IT....DO NOT LET HIM WRITE...LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME...Next thing you know he will have an accordion and be playing around with Archie THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT THIS>. Love A+A

Dandy Duke said...

I think you're very sweet to share and let Ambrose speak, Niamh. You know how these brothers of ours can think they are bigger and better than we are!

Love ya lots

Lorenza said...

Sharing posts, enjoying toys, washing ears... PAWESOME!
Kisses and hugs