Thursday, August 7, 2008


My operation was a week ago today and I am feeling great! I was pretty sleepy all day last Friday but by Saturday afternoon I was ready to run around. Unfortunately I am on restricted activity for 10 days - no running or jumping, no swimming, no dog park! This is cruelty to animals. All we have done lately are some sedate walks (very boring) and a little bit of Rally practice.

I wore my T-shirt and was a good girl and did not chew or lick my incision. That meant I did not have to wear the dreaded satellite dish on my head.

They shaved my belly at the vet clinic to do the operation (very nice and cool in all this heat) and I now have a scar and a tatoo!!!

Here is a closeup. I wish the tatoo was in a shape of a dog biscuit though.

All I need now is an eyebrow piercing and I will be a punk rock Gordon Setter.


Hero said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're recovering well, Niamh!! I love your tattoo! It's sooooo incredibly hardcore and you know how much I am into that scene.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

We are glad that you are doing good Niamh. Also that you didn't need to wear a cone, thankfully Holly didn't need to either, she just wore the t-shirt.

Holly also wanted to play the next day but was on restrictions for two weeks. She just couldn't understand why she couldn't go running and chasing balls as usual.

It will soon roll by and then you can get back to normal play. :-)))

Holly & Zac

Duke said...

We're glad you're feeling better, Niamh, and we're thrilled that you dodged the dreaded lampshade!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Sure is nice that you did not need that headcone!
What kind of tattoo is that??
Take it easy and you will be like new in no time!
Kisses and hugs

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

The Cole Crew feels your pain. We are all spayed/neutered! Mom babied us good after all of our surgeries. Baby Love was spayed during her first operation for hydrocephalus. During recovery she never even noticed - after all she has stitches all over - whats another. She had to wear a blasted head cone for 2 weeks because of all her stiches. Every morning mom woke up to Baby Love's cone being half off! For a blind dog that little rascal could get out of a lot of messes!

Fenway said...

You are still lovely and feminine my dear Niamh! I'm glad you are feeling better and didn't have to wear that big cone!

Can you do me a favor? I am running for the Dog of the Month on the local tv station. I need about 160 more votes, so can you go to this website and click on Fenway to paw your vote for me? And please tell your will only take about 10 seconds:

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so glad that everything worked out ok. Did they give you doggie downers like Callie? Mom and Dad stopped giving her those, they think that she sleeps to much and then she is more of a terror than before.. Taking her to lake sure wore her out but right now her battery is recharged and she is trying to bite Louie's face again...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

Sedate walks sound OK to me (is there any other kind)? I think your shaved belly is kind of cute.


L said...

We bet you are cool with your shaved tummy. We just hope it doesn't itch as the fur grows back.

Deetz said...

Woe, I love your tattoo...that is so stylin....pawsome scar too

Chef said...

I'm really happy to hear you feel better, Niahm. And your tatoo is totally gangstagirl! You have a very cute little belly.


Agatha and Archie said...

Glad you are feeling better! The tatoo is very punk indeed! Love A+A

Chef said...

Niahm, thanks for your boyfriend advice... girldogs know what other girldogs like.. by the way, there's an award for you on my blog. Come on by and pick it up.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Callie is going to be quite a swimmer.. She has no fear..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Deefor said...

Thanks for visiting me! I hope your feeling much better. The tat is kind of cool looking. My friend Avalanche has an S on her tummy. I never heard of wearing clothes instead of the cone of shame. Who knew?


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hey Niamh, just thought we would say our person read your comments on our blog and has just sent your person an email. Let us know if she doesn't get it okay. :-)

Holly & Zac

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


I hope your feeling better! When they operated on me I was supposed to get new turds...I never saw anything new or even interesting.

Now, to be spayed I would think that you got like a new toy or something right? Please tell me you got some good stuff for being so good and not licking the stitches!!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley