Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's Here

We had a very eventful weekend. On Sunday we drove down to Charlotte for a Carolina Trainers Forum meeting. I got to be the neutral dog in some training exercises. Not terribly exciting but there was more fun stuff to come. We went to South Carolina to see the new puppy Red Boy. You can see that he is a kissing boy.

Maise and Loghan are the parents of the litter and are very sweet dogs (although why Maisie wanted to have 10 puppies is beyond me). Loghan is actually my first cousin. He and Maisie both have their Junior Hunter titles and Loghan is a Champion.

Since they both are trained to hunt, they have quail at their house. I had never seen or smelled a quail before but when I got the chance I immediately went on point. Everyone was quite pleased with me. Of course I could do it. That's what Gordon Setters are bred to do.

We left Red Boy with his litter since we were going to spend the night with a dog trainer friend of Barbara's who lives nearby. You know that I find boyfriends wherever I go and this was no exception. Barbara's friend has a lab and a papillon. We got to run in the fenced yard and the lab, also named Logan, flirted with me a lot. That evening we had an excellent game of bitey face. Logan even let me put his whole muzzle in my mouth.

Monday morning we went back to pick up the puppy. I think he was sad to leave his family since he cried for awhile as we drove away. Fortunately he settled down in his crate once we got going.

Barbara has decided to call him Ambrose. It means immortal.

He follows me everywhere and will not leave me alone. He has even tried to nurse on me which I find very revolting. I am not his mother, thank goodness. I hope he gets over that idea very soon. The only time I like him is when he is sound asleep.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
He is adorable!
I am sure you two will get along pretty well.
Be patient. He is a baby!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

NESSA the hovawart said...

Wooooowoooow, he is soooo cute. You are a big brother now. Take care of him and learn him some good stuff for mommy be proud on you. But most of all...play with him.
I would like to have a puppy of my own...mytwo said I will get a sister too:-) Yipppiiii!
Kisses and hugs,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We've been waiting for you to post, Niamh! We're glad you had a nice weekend and made yet another new boyfriend. As for Ambrose, well he is still a very little kid and he will be looking up to you, so be gentle!

Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, Ambrose is just adorable, Niamh! You're going to love your little brother - it just takes a little bit of time!
We bet he'll be your shadow for awhile!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Oh Niamh!! He is a cutie pie isn't he!! Especially when he is asleep!! ;)
You had another busy weekend, you're so lucky to go and stay with friends and play bitey face. I plays that with my sisters all the time, its a fun game.
Ambrose is a lovely name, and I think you will get on so well.
Well done for pointing, we points sometimes, cos we be pointing doggies too! Bet your mummy was very proud to see you point, my mummy is always proud when we point, she say we looks regal.
Love Scotty xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Yay the puppy! Mum is making funny little people noises at him, bleurgh! I think you will soon show him the ropes Niamh.
~lickies, Ludo

Hero said...

Ambrose is a wonderful name for a super adorable puppy! I'm sure he'll settle in just fine and that you'll prove to be the best sister he could ever hope for!

Anonymous said...

Hi Niamh! What a sweetie pie little bro you have! I bet he'll be a super handsome boy when he grows up. And what a great name for him! I didn't know Ambrose meant immortal. What does Niamh mean?

Your pal,

Deetz said...

Awe, he is very adorable. I thought I wouldn't like Sharkie when we first got him, but he is growing on me...literally. He is ontop of me all the time. But...I do kinda love him now.
Can't wait to see more of you too playing and enjoying each others company.

Amber-Mae said...

Welcome Ambrose! He's adorable but he won't be for long. He's gonna grow up to be a very handsome man!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Thank you for telling me about your name. It's a beautiful name. It fits you perfectly, and now I can pronounce it correctly when I think of you.

See ya soon!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh he is so adorable.. You better make sure all your toys are hidden well.. Those puppies find everything..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Toffee said...

Nursing on you? Seriously you need to teach that youngin' some manners, honestly : )

That is one lucky pup to be sharing a home with you and your two leggeds!

Congrats on your new bundle of fur!

L said...

Your new little brother is very cute, but not nearly as cute as you are! Just think, while he is learning all the rules, you can do naughty things and he will get blamed.

Comet and BLU
ps. Know which bricks the girl picked? The very first ones she looked at weeks ago! Humans!! She plans to put them in this weekend.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congrarulations on the new addition Niamh. Ambrose is a lovely name and he is adorable.

Holly & Zac...XX

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Ohhhhhh, but Niamh, he's so adorable! He'll soon learn there's no milk in there, be patient :D
Can't believe we're only just coming by to see him....sorry! Catching up with everyone now though, yayy!
Slobbers xx

Anonymous said...

It lovely fotos
greeting from Belgium
louisette passion golden retriever, cat blue
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Ambrose is adorable!! We love him!
Aww, he thinks you're his mommy - don't be annoyed, Niamh. He's just a baby. You're going to love him soon enough.
