All the hard work of practicing my routine and all the dog grooming torture was worth it. Barbara is so pleased with me for earning my Canine Freestyle Federation Level II title that she is constantly telling me how smart and beautiful I am. I have been basking in the attention all week. Of course Ambrose is very jealous and has been acting out because he feels neglected. I have had to speak sharply to him a few times.
Here is a photo of us after Saturday's routine. I am wearing my 2nd place medallion as well as the patch that we got for my title. Barbara says she will sew the patch on our training bag but that will never happen because she is pathetic with a needle and thread.

I am licking my chops because each day after my routine I got an entire sausage biscuit to eat! Very delish. Of course I was famished because I was not allowed to have any treats in the ring while we were performing. But I paid great attention to Barbara and tried to follow her signals. I did anticipate her cues a couple of times but stayed right with her and worked very hard to earn my biscuit. We got lots of applause after our routine and people made a big fuss over me which I enjoyed too.

Barbara had the professional photographer take lots of pictures of us so when we get those, we will post them. Here I am modeling my first place medallion after the awards on Sunday.

We have ordered the dvd of the event so I hope to post my routines when that is available. Now that I have earned my Level II title we have to move up to Level III which is much harder. I have to start practicing all sorts of new moves. But I like to hear people clapping for me and I love those sausage biscuits so I think that I will get right to work.
Oooh! We are both swooning at that last picture!!! We like handsome winners! ;-) Congratulations, BTW - that is fantastic!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
You are just so beautiful, Niamh, and we are so very proud of you! Congratulations!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh we are so proud of you. You look so awesome with Barbara and you metal...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are soooo good!
And next level will be a piece of cake for you... I know it!
Kisses and hugs
You are such a pro, Niamh, and gorgeous to boot (Blush...). Beautiful medal!
Congratulations Niamh!!! So proud of your hard work. You are an inspiration to us all :)
Way to go, Niamh! You look so beautiful, especially with your winning medals hung around your neck.
Thanks for shariing this
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