Barbara is not a very good photographer. And I'm not such a good subject as I really don't like to sit around and pose for pictures. There was a professional photographer at the Canine Freestyle workshop that we went to in April and Barbara decided to have him take a picture of me. I think I drove the poor man crazy as I wiggled, panted or drooled every time he took a shot. Finally I sat still and here is the result.

I am very excited about the International Package Exchange that is coming up! I understand that the drawing is tomorrow and I can't wait to find out who I get. And then of course I get to go shopping!!!!
Hi, Niamh!
That is a great portrait of you!
I can't wait either!
Kisses and hugs
That's gorgeous! You are very photogenic Niamh if you sit still & pose for the camera...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are just gorgeous,Niamh!
The list for the goody exchange is out! whooooohoooooooooo
We can shop till we drop!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We love the portrait.. You are so handsome....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi Niamh!
My name is Skye and I am your "partner" in the goody exchange! Please have your mom contact my mom at MoondanceHuskiesatyahoodotcom so we can exchange addresses!! This is going to be SO much fun! Are there any kinds of treats you REALLY like more than others or shall we surprise you?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Skye & the Moondance Huskies
You look gorgeous and oh-so shiny in your portrait. And no one would ever guess that you weren't the perfect subject.
Oh that is a lovely picture of you! We just signed your guestbook and spelled Boston wrong( that is because Archie was typing) We are excited about the exchange too! Love A+A
Beautiful, Niamh!!! I'm not a very good model for the camera either, but my mom manages to keep my attention by waving a tennis ball in my face. I like to make her work for her pictures, like she makes me work for treats and toys.
Hi Niamh! Thanks for stopping by our bloggy. It's very nice to meet you! That is a bootiful pawtrait of you!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Thanks for stopping by and giving my blog a sniff, Niamh.
You have a most curious name and I suspect it's another language and means something special. Am I right?
You are a GORGEOUS Gordon S. I fully understand about the wiggling urge, but I'm glad that photog was skilled enough to get you in a perfect and noble pose.
I'm only 8 months old, but I've heard there's a plan for Rally in my future. Ms. Alpha likes to dance around with me and that makes me CRAZY. I doubt anyone would want to see that kind of performance.
Thanks for checking in on BL. She is very special to us..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Niamh -
What a beautiful photo! I am sure that it wasn't hard to capture your beauty!
Have a safe weekend, my friend.
Hello my Glossy Gordon Friend!
Ms. Alpha is interested in getting me into Rally. Do you do any of that? She also likes to put together some moves that we call little dances. I'm learning to chain them together and it's fun. I just learned how to walk backwards, which doesn't feel natural, but I'm trying to trust her that it's okay. How old were you when your started all this? I'm only 8 months, so Ms. Alpha isn't pressuring me too much.
Your portrait is very beautiful!
Wow that is a beautiful photo...If I could whistle I would.
I am back from vacation now
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