Monday, December 1, 2008

My Mailbox

Normally I don't think about the mail very much. I usually don't get any letters so I'm not interested when Barbara stops at the mailbox. But that has changed with the DWB Holiday Card exchange. I've been getting lots of cards in the last week or so the mail has become very interesting to me. I love getting cards from my blogging friends!

So you can imagine my distress when I saw this on Sunday.

What is that you may ask? It is the remains of my mailbox! Sometime on Sunday morning someone was driving too fast on our road and left the road and crashed into my mailbox. The post was sheared off and the box knocked into the ditch and the little door broken! I hope that this doesn't interfere with me getting my cards. Barbara has to go to the post office to pick up our mail until we get a new mailbox. What a drag.

Our Drill Team has been practicing very hard and I think we will be a big hit when we march on Saturday. Here is a picture of me modeling the bandana which the team will be wearing. The only bad news is that I am going to have to take a bath before the parade. Barbara wants me to look super shiny.

Boxer Update

Thank you for all your good wishes for the Boxer we are trying to rescue. He runs right across the field to the feeding tree when he sees my dog crate on wheels coming. Today Barbara was able to get him to come within 2 feet to get some cheese. He leaped away at the last second but at least he is getting closer.

He is still is not sure about me and sometimes he barks when I come near. I am doing my flirty best to get him to like me (and you know that I have many boyfriends) and trust us. Keep your paws crossed for our success.


Chef said...

It looks encouraging. I sure hope he learns to trust you. Then he'll be happy. Are you going to rescue him or try to get someone to take him? I hope he lives with you because you and your mom are very kind. Good luck.


Chef said...

Oops... I thought it was a separate post... so you look just beautiful in your bandana, Niamh, and I can't wait to see pictures of the marching team.

Your mama would have loved being at the show I was in on the weekend. There were Agility and Flyball competitions, and you should have seen those dogs go. They were amazing. Really skilled and athletic and they were having so much fun. Their parents looked pooped but the dogs were having a ball! My mom was so impressed. She's thinking about doing Agility with me now.


Par said...

Keep it up!
Eventually the boxer will come your way!

Lorenza said...

Poor mailbox!
I hope you get a new one soon!
I am sure the little boxer will come close to you!
Kisses and hugs

Dughallmor Beagles said...

R.I.P. Mailbox :! Hope you still get all your cards okay! You look really shiny already and so pretty in your festive bandana....but when someone says the "b" word.....RUN AWAY!!!! Will there be photos of your parade? Good luck.
Slobbers xx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are wondering how you could possibly look any shinier than you already do, Niamh! And that's a great bandana!

So sorry abut your mailbox, and that whoever knocked it down didn't have the decency to stop and offer to repair/replace it.

Great job with the boxer!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

L said...

We think it's great that you are making progress with the boxer. Hopefully he will trust you enough in the next few days that you can catch him.

Tell your mom to get a really huge replacement mailbox. You'll need it for all the cards that are heading your way!

Pedro said...


What a good lookin Boxer dawg! I hope you can make friends with him and rescue him. Would he come to live with you? Oh, keep us posted!


Stanislaw said...

Cheese is magic. I'm just sure of it. There's something about cheese that'll make even the crudest canine a smoosh pie. Mmmm. Cheese.

Will you get cheese after you're bathed? 'Cause then it might not be so bad...

Anonymous said...

I think you look so lovely and glossy already, Niamh! (I think this "bath" thing is a conspiracy between the humans to torture us...)

Glad to hear that the Boxer is getting more trusting - I'm sure you'll win him over in the end, you big flirt! :-)

Good luck at your drill! You look beautiful in your bandana!

Honey the Great Dane

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We sure hope you are able to rescue that poor guy. He needs a good home from the looks of things..
Sorry about your mailbox.. Have mom run down to the Home Depot place. They have them.. hint hint

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Hero said...

I love your festive bandana! I'm sure your team will amaze everyone with your talent. I hope your mailbox gets fixed soon and I hope that the little boxer soon learns that you just want to be friends.

Toffee said...

...glad to hear the good news about your boxer friend...soon, soon...

so sorry to hear about your mailbox! That is awful! Maybe your new mailbox will have a picture of a setter on it?

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

You look gorgeous in that bandana Niamh.

Thanks for the update on the Boxer and thanks to you and Barbara for trying to help him. Paws crossed that he trusts you enough to come closer soon.

Sorry about your mail box, we hope you didn't lose any letters.

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Keep working on that boxer fellow, I'm sure you'll win him over! You looks lovely in your bandana. :D

Juno said...

Oh No, poor mail box, Niamh! Phew...We are glad you're ok!!! You'll get lots of cards from now on. That is very exciting!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Ya the laptop is better.. Mom hasn't gotten it back yet but Sis's is working fine..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

L said...

We received your card today. Thank you! You look so pretty in your pictures.

Unknown said...

Sorry but we had to laugh at the photo of your mailbox! That sucks ... good thing there was no PERSON or DOG in the way of that crazy driver. We are excited to hear the next step in your boxed-befriending adventure.

Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, can't wait to see what you & your team are going to do on the day of the event! Must be something gooood. That Boxer will trust you guys very soon if you keep feeding it everyday.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer