Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Am Thankful

I have been quite perturbed for the last week and a half to watch large quantities of my dog food and treats leaving the house. This did not make sense to me. Twice a day Barbara would fill a bag with my kibble and some treats and take it away!!

Well I learned the reason today. She has been feeding a stray boxer and trying to coax him to come to her.
I doesn't seem like he has any person to call his own and take care of him. She saw him a few weeks ago further down our road and people said that he had been hanging around awhile. Then she didn't see him anymore and was worried that he had been hit by a car.

A week ago Monday she was happily surprised to see him in a field near our house. He is really skinny and nervous. Barbara has put food out for him near a certain tree and he will eat it but not if she is too close to the food. She has been able to get within 5 feet of him but then he gets scared and runs away even when she has delicious treats.

Today she brought me to the field with her with the idea that if he saw her with a nice dog he might trust her. He watched us but would not come too close. Even with all my food he is still very skinny and since it has been very cold at night we are worried about him. I'll try again tomorrow to get him to come near.

Seeing this poor guy in such bad condition makes me realize just how lucky I am.

1. I've got a special person who loves me and cares for me.

2. I get all the food I need to keep me healthy and in good condition.

3. i have a house to live in and cozy beds to sleep on.

4. I have toys to play with, treats to eat.

5. I get to go fun places and learn interesting things.

6. I get all the petting, kisses and cuddling I could possibly want.

So Happy Thanksgiving to all my blogging dog friends and give your people a big kiss!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hello Niamh and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And we are sure that, skinny, lonely and scared as he might be, that boxer is also thankful that you are there, that you found him, and are giving him good food to eat. And hopefully he will come closer and closer and closer.

Your Friends,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Aww, that's so sad! The little guy's lucky your Mom found him, maybe soon he'll trust her enough to get closer, poor thing, he's so cute too!
Hope it's sooner rather than later, keep us posted.
Love & slobbers xx

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That is so sad, we have our paws crossed here and are hoping he will come to you and Barbara soon.

Happy Thanksgiving Day Niamh, we hope you have a great day.

Good luck with that sweet Boxer, keep us posted.

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Lorenza said...

Happy Thanksgiving Niamh and Mom!
I hope you had a pawesome day.
You are so nice sharing your food and treats with that poor doggie.
Thanks for being my friend.
Kisses and hugs

Hero said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Niamh! It's so sad to see such a young and skinny pup all alone. Thank goodness he's found friend in you and your hooman. Hopefully he'll realize soon what angels the both of you are.

Toffee said...

That is very thoughtful of you to give thanks on this day. I hope that your mom's boxer friend learns that she is a good pawson with yummy treats and warm beddies to sleep in. Please keep us updated.

Thank YOU for being my friend.

L said...

That's a very nice thing your mom is doing for that boxer. We hope he trusts her soon so she can get him someplace warm to spend the nights.

You have a lot to be thankful for (so do we). We wish all dogs could be thankful for the same things!

Happy Thanksgiving
Comet and BLU

Deefor said...

It's good that your mom is trying to help that poor doggie. I hope he is going to be ok. I am thankful for the special turkey dinner today! We are lucky.


Duke said...

What a cute doggie! We hope Barbara can catch him and he finds a loving home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Par said...

It's sad to see that dog roaming the streets. I hope the dog be capture and taken to a loving home soon. It's very nice of your mom to feed that dog.

Unknown said...

Wow we are so worried about that little boxer! He is very cute. Hopefully he comes close and then he can go home with you and hopefully he has a microchip and he is just lost, and hopefully then he can get home to his people! We hate the thought that he has no one who is missing him. We are very very very thankful for every dog who has a warm, safe home with plenty of food and just enough treats and hugs from all the people who love them!

Chef said...

Oh Niamh, it breaks out heart to see that poor Boxer! Your Mama is so wonderful to go out and feed him like that. I just wish Boxer would realize how kind and friendly you and your Mama are. I hope he soon trusts you and maybe you'll take him home to live with you!

Good luck. We can't wait to see what happens.

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and lots of turkey bits in your kibbles (what's left of your food...!!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, that was so sad reading about the poor little Boxer - I hope he learns to trust your humans soon and find a new family to adopt him!

Yes, I agree - I am very thankful too for my family - they really treat me as a member of the family and won't just dump me if it gets inconvenient (like if they have to move overseas!) - like many other people do with their dogs...

You are lucky to have such wonderful, caring humans...

Honey the Great Dane
ps. Happy Thanksgiving!

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

Our mom works at a shelter and she knows about the sad stories. We are happy stories though. Good luck with that, make sure to contact your local Boxer rescues to help!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh I do hope that boxer starts to trust you and your mum and you can help him get all the lovely things dogs should have. You has made me realise I am a very lucky pup really.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh poor stray doggy. He needs to gain trust in your Barbara & you. So keep feeding him & coax him closer & close to your house. Give him a few days or weeks. Once he knows that you guys are no threat to him, then he will not mind coming closer.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanislaw said...

Poor guy! We really hope your human can save him!