Monday, October 12, 2009

Goat Patrol

I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, before she had lessons, Barbara took me over to the Durham Kennel Club to practice my freestyle. We are working on a new routine and I am practicing ignoring the people on the sidelines (I love to visit people). This is hard. Here I am checking out my training bag to see if I can snag a few extra goodies.

I sent Ambrose over to Scout's house to play in her yard.

The two of them play really rough. They like to run and bash and play bitey face. Since they are both adolescents they really need to run off their excess energy. I am so glad that they like to play like this because after Ambrose has played with Scout, he behaves better at home.

We went to the dog park first thing this morning. When we pulled into the parking lot I was astounded to see a herd of goats in the woods next to the parking lot!

They are The Goat Patrol. Their person drives them around to places that need the weeds eaten up and they graze on the vegetation! I love goats and once I saw them I didn't even care if I went into the dog park.

I could see that this goat really wanted to play with me. I wish I could have joined her but there was an electric fence around the goats to keep them in the woods (and to keep the dogs out).


Deetz said...

Hey there, sorry its been so long!
Those goats are really cool and that one looks like he would play really nice. You are looking fabulous!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Sounds like you both had a good weekend Niamh. That is a funny place to see Goats, they looked like they were enjoying there munching in the woods..hehe

Holly & Zac. :-)

Hero said...

The Goat Patrol sounds like a really neat idea. We have goat on my island, but they're never really friendly and ignore me half the time. Good luck on your new routine!

Dexter said...

Oh a goat AND dog friendly part. What fun.

I know what you mean about Ambrose. I actually like Pee-Wee better now that he has had the puppy to work off all his bitey face energies with.


Juno said...

Wow, the Goat Patrol?? That's clever. Ohhh... the very last pic is so nice. This goat looks so sweet!!

Thanks so much for your barkday message!!! It meant a lot to us.

Momo & Pinot

Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Did you find yummy treats in your bag??
Those two sure had lots of fun too!
Working goats? Wow!
Kisses and hugs

Lindsay said...

That's so cool that you got to see goats! I'm not sure exactly what my two would think of them.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I wish I could come and visit with you sometime, Niamh!

That goat patrol looks like lots of fun. They really do great work, don't they?


Chef said...

Oh too bad about the electric fence, Niamh. It would have been so much fun to play with a goat. I saw one at a nature park and I almost took the fence down, I wanted to play with him so badly. Gee, I wonder if I can get a pet goat and then he can eat up all the weeds in the yard. Gonna ask my Mama...


Scout and Freyja said...

We just found your bloggy but this will not be the only time we come to see you! Cool stuff...

Unknown said...

Oh Niamh - did I miss it - have you posted a video of your old routine yet?? I'm DYING to see it!!!! If you haven't posted it yet, please do so soon!! Please!

And what's your new one? What music are you doing it to? You must get some video of it too!

Honey the Great Dane

Dandy Duke said...

That goat looks like a fun playmate! What a shame that you didn't get to play with her, Niamh!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Deefor said...

I never played with a goat either! They look pretty friendly. Sometimes I see bighorn sheep when I stick my head out the car window. But those horns look kinda scary.