Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If She's the President, Does That Make Me the First Dog?

I'm waiting for a very exciting inauguration on Tuesday but before Obama becomes President, I have to tell you that my special person is now the President of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers!! The APDT is the largest organization of dog trainers in the world with over 5000 members.

The members elected Barbara to the Board several years ago and now the Board has unanimously voted her President. I'm very excited because I get my picture in the APDT's magazine, The Chronicle of the Dog. I will be famous!

I wonder what privileges I get as First Dog? More toys? More treats? A staff to arrange my busy social schedule?

The mission of the APDT is "promoting caring relationships between dogs and people by educating trainers in canine behavior and emphasizing professionalism and reward-based training". Isn't that a great idea? It is so important that dog trainers know more about us and use the best, most humane methods to train us. I love reward based training. It means I get lots of treats, toys, praise, petting, play and other fun things and I learn at the same time.

Unfortunately being President isn't all fun and games. Barbara has to spend 2 days at a meeting. What a snore! Even though they are talking about things that will help us, I can't imagine anything more boring. We dogs don't need to talk - we just need to do things. I will be having a lot more fun at K9 Kindercare.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Niamh!
Congratulations to Barbara!
My answer is yes... you are the First Dog!
Kisses and hugs

L said...

Congratulations to Barbara! What an honor. Now that you are first dog, does that mean you have to be a good role model? No more licking in public? No more flirting with all the boys?

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Wow, Congratulations to Barbara, what an achievement!! Niamh...does this mean you'll be rubbing shoulders with all the slebs now that you are the first dog?
Slobbers xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Congratulations Barbara! What a good thing to be president of. Much better than living in that big old white building.
~lickies, Ludo

Duke said...

Congratulations to Barbara! That's awesome! We think it does make you first dog, Niamh! Will you be sleeping in a canopy bed with pink bedding?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Barbara is your mom, right? Because the two of you totally have the same hair. I can't believe it.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! We think that is very impressive. She will have a lot of work to do ... will you get to go with her and be an ambassador from the well-trained dog community?

Hero said...

Congratulations, Barbara! What an honor to be the president of an organization that does so much good for both hoomans and animals! You must be so proud, Niamh!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Congratulations to Barbara and we do think that you make a perfect First Dog, Niamh!

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! both having similar hair style.

Dog Ramps

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

Congratulations! Wow your will have to think what your first order of business will be as "first dog".

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congratulations Barbara. That is really great news. :-))

Kelli said...

Hi Niamh!
Congratulations to your owner! You will be a wonderful first dog!

Ayla said...

No question - you MUST write a book!! All (or most) of the first dogs have written books.

You could write about responsible pet ownership and positive reward based dog training from your perspective (after all, YOU ARE THE FIRST DOG)

Tuesday, Jan. 20?: I'll be celebrating with a really good raw bone! Have you checked out BarkObama?

Your BFF,

Juno said...


Niamh and Barbara! We are so excited and we're speechless! Congratulations to especially Barbara!! Niamh, you're the first dog!!!

Are you guys still talking with us?? PLEASE??

Momo & Pinot

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is so great. Way to go Barbara..
Maybe these means you will get more treats?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh congratulations to Barbara!! What a high honor!!!!!!!!Now of course the pressure is on you as you have to be extra good!! Love A+A

Stanislaw said...

Congrats! How exciting and prestigious! You must be so proud of your mom.

Leave some good peemail to let the world know!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom says that is my mission to make sure everything is ok on the other side of the fence..

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Kirby said...

Woot woot Niamh, you are so the First Dog! Do you get secret service protection now too? Please pass on our (Mom & mine) congratulations to Barbara!!!

Your pal,

Chef said...

Congratulations, Barbara! And Niamh, you are now a VID (Very Important Doggy). Definitely First Dog. You must both be very proud to be top dogs of such an important organization. We're so glad it exists.


Pedro said...


Woo hoo!!! Congratulations to Barbara!!! That is such great news and I'm sure you are sooooo proud of her!
